FOOTAGE : Top 5 Favourite Things To Do in Oz


Steve Baile said...

I was wondering if Lake Argyle would be in your list. It was one of our fave's as well. We stopped there for 6 weeks and made pancakes, worked in the bar, the Lake Argyle Cruise office and I even filmed a documentary about the Lake and Ord River Scheme ( - such an awesome place and hardly anybody knows about it. Greg's a top bloke for sure and the cruise is the best I've ever been on. Many great memories!

We were at Turquoise bay during spawning time so our snorkeling experience was a bit 'messy' - loved Ningaloo though - spectacular place.

Oz Troopers said...

Hey Steve,
How exciting that you shared our LA experience. We loved it! And you're right Greg is indeed a top bloke. Kudos on the doco too, we were amongst many who watched it.

If you haven't already read it, check out our blog post from Lake Argyle -

Cheers for the comment!! :)