CAMPSITE # 157 - The End of the Road to Cape York

It was time to say goodbye to gravel road... thank god! After spending a whole week driving with the windows up to block out the dust, corrugation that would make every item inside the Troopie rattle to infinity and red dirt clinging to everything and anything, we were well and truly ready to put the road just travelled very far behind us. 

Returning to bitumen also meant returning to civilisation. Sweet, sweet civilisation where diesel was no longer $2+ per litre, where you could actually purchase fresh milk from the local grocer and, most importantly, where we were legally allowed to consume alcohol!! It felt good to be back.

Site : Lakeland Caravan Park
Rating : 10 / 20
Facilities : Really nice facilities, manicured lawns, very well maintained garden, exceptionally good showers & toilets. But no camp kitchen or cooking facilities.

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